Thursday, 3 March 2011

Book Works

Today Defined 'learning the hard way'.
However, I will never again send thirteen copies of my designs to print without proofing, proofing again, then asking someone else to proof it.  Below: The text in the top far left and third from the left sections are facing the same way as the type on the lower half- so when it came to folding the book it would come out upside down- something I neglected to notice until after the prints were finished.

Another issue I encountered when attempting to print this book was the stock in the printer.  Every so often the paper would tear and jam not only because of the weight of the stock but also because the ink is very close to the edges of the paper, making it wet and malleable- clearly the printer cannot handle this.  However, I thought a few things might go wrong so I bought extra stock in case of such issues.

After all of my problems because of the stock I have used the process has still been relatively cheap, and if all my books were to be sold I would still be making a profit.
Below is the final resolution.  Rectified.  Proofed.  

Quality image soon.

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