Friday, 25 May 2012

Some edited images:

This image shows my range.  It includes the zines themselves, 
the packaging for the zines, the CD to go inside.  I have added 
bookmarks highlighters and pencils for expansion of the range.  
These are relevant for the fact that the audience may want to 
annotate with their thoughts to propose / ask at a later date on 
the site.

I wanted the photographs to look as professional as possible for 
my boards / portfolio.  I think this arial view is a perfect way to 
showcase a range within branding a new product.

The image above is supposed to communicate the packaging 
and the materials used.  The lens focus is on the zine packaging 
and the rest is blurred, forcing the eye in this direction.  Another
image for the boards as the packaging is a large aspect of this 
branding.  If the packaging didn't look original then it wouldn't 
stand out on the shelf against all the other zines / pamphlets.

A colourful image showcasing the range of zines.  Each colour 
represents a different type of poetry.  For example, the fluoro red
on top of the pile represents one of four of the narrative poetry style.
I've chosen to bind the zines so that the content pops out of the 
cover.  This is part of my brand identity.  It is supposed to represent 
aspiration - the work is essentially coming out of the zine in
your hands.

This image really highlights the fluoro stock, which is a 
pivotal aspect to my branding.  All of the branding follows the 
same colour scheme for consistency within identity.

I have chosen to photograph my work with a grey background
because I have sued an offwhite stock against a fluorescent one.
This creates as much contrast between the work and the
background as the different stocks that make up the work.

Evaluation and Boards:

Evaluation and final boards for Design Practice 1 and 2:



Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Zine covers / / Layout | Hierarchy

A few sketches outlining where I need to go for the front cover.
Got to keep it relevant (got to keep it in mind (all the time)):

A few digital mockups from a scanned in zine:

Introducing / / The CLASSics

The idea behind this expansion of the range is that it shows 
the product has longevity.  So here the idea is that after a decade
of printed poems there would be a 'classics' edition published.
This edition will house a limited edition zine that puts 
together a collective of the poems the readers vote upon.  It
will also hold a print / / a dvd / / and a ticket to the celebratory 

Using the same grid principle, i've created a structured designs 
that looks more sleek against the youthful grittyness of the 
previous quarterly designs.  It makes sense to keep it simple
and dark:  connotes expense and intelligence:

So when it came to printing:
I knew it wouldn't be realistic to print up to the edges 
with black ink- there is a high chance it would just 
crumple in the printer.  I made sure the ink wasn't 
printing right up to the edges.

When it came to tones of black & grey, I had to keep in 
mind the visual hierarchy at all times.  Everything has 
to mean something, it has to communicate effectively.

Expanding my Range

Packaging / / Alternative

My idea behind this packaging is that you can't see through it.  
It looks much more simple.  Could possibly be for a classic
range that it brought out every two years?  More collectable. 

Less colour and more simplicity within design is generally
regarded as more expensive and rare.  I could use this to my 
advantage.  Maybe eventually be a collection of every single
zine sold.  The fact that you can't see inside means you have to 
buy it to know what is in there.  

Packaging / / Revisited

Text the right way round this time:

I also had a go with foiling holographic look onto acetate, which 
seemed to actually almost work as if it were on paper.  Surprising.  
And I can't think of why this would've happened.  

I think the top image works best with the audience I am trying to 
appeal to.  The bright colours will stand out against the other 
mundane covers on the shelf.  They have a look of youth to them 
that works.  There is a structured grid system that helps successfully 
communicate yet the colours and textures make it look rebellious.  
I'm trying to make poetry "cool".... we shall see.

Business card / / Colour | Layout revisited.

Once I started looking at a more relevant colour scheme in 
relation to my range and identity I had another look at my 
branding.  The contact details on the back of the business card 
looked as if they could be improved.  For example, my idea is 
that this zine is based on classic poetry communicated visually,
phonetically and applied as wisdom & advice for everyday life
The quote on the back of the business card should look more 
interesting and communicate more effectively.

Here's what I came up with:

After type with Graham i've realised the importance of printing off a design before giving it the go ahead to fully print.  Checking the pointsize and visual hierarchy are integral and can only really be seen once printed.
Heres what happened when I thought everything was very ok:
So I did.

And here's a more in- depth look into colour in relation to 
the range.  (the colour in the centre represents fluorescent 
colour edging:

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Packaging / / Development | Experimentation

- it really really doesn't work at all.  
  Never try it unless you want this 
  to happen.

-  "A happy accident."

The whole idea of foiling onto acetate was to give the look 
of a matt finish on a shiny surface.  Generating a tactile form 
of intrigue, reflecting the nature of the work - 'forcing some 
kind of sense to take over' i.e. the way in which i've laid out
the type on the page for the poems forces the viewer to read 
it to themselves in a way they wouldn't usually- like an 
abstract, more structured form of deconstructivism.

My idea now is to try and mimic the image below to get the 
same look.  The image below is just the back of the acetate- 
with the black ink showing through and a grainy white back
ground from where the foil has failed me.  Looking through 
the documentation, the white background with black type 
communicate much more clearly - my next step is to try and
make this technique work successfully.

Packaging / / Design

Some experimentation in relation to the package design.  The 
general concept was to increase communication of the type of 
poetry within the zine through making the type as visual as 
possible.  For example, I knew I had to use a sans serif typeface 
that would be easily readable.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Branding / / Colour Scheme | Revisited

My choice of colour scheme was boring me.  Given the 
already shady outlook people have on poetry i've made
the executive decision the spruce it up a little.

I want this zine to stand out against the rest on the shelf.
I already know that the product is different to what is out
there from my research, but you wouldn't think it from 
my existing visuals.  I've got to learn to not copy what's
already out there and try and surprise my audience.

[The stock is fluorescent / / though you can't tell from 

I then revisited the business cards and had a look at how they could be improved colour wise:

Audio CD / / Kinetic type

I've come to realise how important storyboarding is when thinking 
about moving image.  I need to get my audio files together and
start working with type in relation to the way it is spoken, i.e, 
pace / / intonation / / volume etc.

Audio tracks I plan to work with initially:

For the audio I looked for the poems I wanted to use within
AfterEffects up on YouTube and converted them to MP3's
and opened them in iTunes.  There you go- the beginnings
of the CD for my range.

So, beginnings of storyboarding:

I then realised how wrong I had got it and needed to do a lot of 
editing to get the right pitch, pace and intonation.  Though i'm
not sure it could have been done more efficiently to start with,
I need a scrawled down platform to begin from to even attempt 
getting anything right.

My next attempt was closer to the spoken audio:

Digital Development / /

Proposal for Kinetic type.  Unfortunately I don't have time 
to physically create the CD so i'll just visualise my proposal.

Simple Website entry:
Logo.  Strengthens brand identity.  Because it's a new brand 
this level of repetition of logo needs to be seen to increase 

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Packaging / / Development

There are a lot of questions I need to answer with regards to 
my packaging designs.  For example, how am I going to print 
onto the plastic wallet?  Do I even want to print onto it?  I've
come up with a potential answer for this:
Foiling onto the plastic wallet will give the matt effect I am
looking for. 

Some colour schemes i've been looking into:

-i'm thinking dull.  But it also looks reserved, as my target 
audience generally are.  These reserved colours look more 
intelligent than for example, bright yellow, which would
seem rude and boystrous.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Logo / / Branding & application


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Business card / / Design development

I need the 'Lyrical Extension' business card to represent the brand.  
Its main attributes have to be intelligent, unassuming, laid back 
and confident. 

This colour scheme reflects intelligence without being arrogant 
or too powerful.  It's more inviting and personal.  The signature
look of the logo gives the personal touch that appeals to my scope 
of audience.

Content / / Poster development

William Blake.

Development process.  The poster directly below reads correctly.  
However, visually it isn't very interesting, especially to a non- designer.  
I came to the conclusion that, in order for the posters to appeal to my 
audience I need to design a layout that not only looks interesting but 
communicates the content, rythm and intonation of the poem.  

The latter communicates the intonation successfully because of the 
varying heights of words.  For example, 'in a' slows the reading down,
lowers the readers voice and also directs the eyes to the next line.  It 
works across many levels rather than just one of the previously mentioned.  
I think that this is what I need to keep in mind when designing all of the 
content for my zines.

I've also realised from this exercise how important it is to use grids.
This is the key to maintaining the visual look of structure i'm trying
achieve, whilst also heightening the communicative aspect of the poems.

Initial / / Packaging | Range

To the right is the CD sleeve I have opted for.  Out 
of all my designs I think this specific one generates 
the most intrigue- a logo and a centered circular hole- 
breaks up the square and looks a lot more interesting.

Below i've looked into application of the CD within 
the zine, rather than on show in the front of the celophane

The CD works well layout wise in the back of the zine.
Coupling the Square format package of the CD and a B
format explanatory text against the A format of the zine
itself looks considered and interesting- it creates layers.

The whole point of this zine (with regards to my practice 
& progression) is to experiment with type and layout to
create a visually stimulating work that communicates 
successfully but also generates intrigue.