Some further development work with the hand rendered version of my logo.
This format works well. Successfully communicates the name without
intefering too much with the other type. Noteable contrast between the
two words, because of crossover works as a logo collectively, but
because of the contrast, works well being read as separate words.
communicating brand.
The two designs above are totally different when in comes to fluency
of design. The top logo shows discord and is entirely abrasive
because of the placement of the 'extension' type.
The bottom design is much more fluent. The eye follows the type
more calmly. The logo would work well in context against a vertical
edge, i.e, zine, letterhead etc.
With regards to 'lyrical', much more readable than the previous
design, communicating the concept more thoroughly.
Very nice experiments here with the hand rendered type. keep up the good work Bobcat.